Letras Musicales De Leonard Cohen

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64 Letras En Total De Leonard Cohen:
1.- you have loved enough
2.- waiting for the miracle
3.- villanelle for our time
4.- undertow
5.- un canadien errant (the lost canadian)
6.- true love leaves no traces
7.- to a teacher
8.- there for you
9.- the partisan
10.- the old revolution
11.- the night comes on
12.- the letters
13.- the law
14.- the land of plenty
15.- the future
16.- the faith
17.- the captain
18.- the butcher
19.- that dont make it junk
20.- tennessee waltz (live)
21.- teachers
22.- stories of the street
23.- paper thin hotel
24.- our lady of solitude
25.- on that day
26.- nightingale
27.- morning glory
28.- memories
29.- love itself
30.- light as the breeze
31.- leaving green sleeves
32.- last years man
33.- i tried to leave you
34.- iodine
35.- in my secret life
36.- i left a woman waiting
37.- if it be your will
38.- i cant forget
39.- hunters lullaby
40.- here it is
41.- heart with no companion
42.- hallelujah
43.- go no more a-roving
44.- fingerprints
45.- field commander cohen
46.- everybody knows
47.- dress rehearsal rag
48.- dont go home with your hard-on
49.- democracy
50.- death of a ladies man
51.- dear heather
52.- dance me to the end of love
53.- coming back to you
54.- closing time
55.- by the rivers dark
56.- boogie street
57.- be for real
58.- because of
59.- ballad of the absent mare
60.- a thousand kisses deep
61.- anthem
62.- always
63.- alexandra leaving
64.- a bunch of lonesome heroes