Letras Musicales De The Used

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29 Letras En Total De The Used:
1.- zero mechanism
2.- yesterdays feelings
3.- take it away
4.- sound effects and overdramatics
5.- say days ago
6.- poetic tragedy
7.- pieces mended
8.- on my own
9.- noise and kisses
10.- maybe memories
11.- lunacy fringe
12.- listening
13.- light with a sharpened edge
14.- let it bleed
15.- just a little
16.- it could be a good excuse
17.- im a fake
18.- i caught fire (in your eyes)
19.- hard to say
20.- greener with the scenery
21.- cut up angels
22.- choke me
23.- buried myself alive
24.- bulimic
25.- blue and yellow
26.- back of your mouth
27.- all that ive got
28.- a box full of sharp objects
29.- 801 underground