Letras de hoopstar sash Letras

Sash - Hoopstar

Don't be a hoopstar.

There's a way to the meadow,
Sash - Adelante

[In Spanish]
?Oye, piensa en tu futuro, no pierdas mas tiempo!
?Por que?
Sash - Colour The World

Colour The World, Colour The World
Duni, akwe tu
leba, leba
Sash - Ecuador

[In Spanish]
Dame tu mano
y venga conmigo
Sash - Enocore Une Fois

[In French]
Mesdames, Messieurs, le disc-jockey Sash! est de retour.
Apres le succes imprevu du titre "It's My Life",
Sash - Halleluja

Yeah! Hmmmmm!
I wanna thank you,
I wanna thank you,
Sash - Just Around The Hill

What if the world was out of trouble
What if the world was out of pain
Would it be a world thats worth living in
Sash - La Primavera

[In Italian]

Sash - Le Soliel Noir

[In French]

La lune cache le soleil
Sash - Move Mania

(Movin', movin', movin', movin')

We are livin' in a Move Mania, movin' people that's what we are.
Sash - Mysterious Times

Mysterious life
Where we're moving around, dancing the rhythm of life.
Sash - Non Existent Nothing

In the beginning there was a non existant nothing.

Au debut.