Letras de improper dancing electric six Letras

Electric Six - Improper Dancing

Every bodys doin,
What they shouldn't be doin
Every bodys doin it
40 Below Summer - Smile Electric

One time in my life......
It won't be such a pain
Just a couple of guys with the vibe in every way
Abba - Dancing Queen

You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing Queen
Abba - Reina Danzante (dancing Queen - In Spanish)

A bailar, a girar
Sabes reir y vibrar
Miren bien, alli va
Afi - Dancing Through Sunday

Will you join me in this dance, this dance of misery
Cradled in imposs... impossibility?
Swooning, I am swept away
A-teens - Dancing Queen

You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing Queen
Bad Religion - Beyond Electric Dreams

Here we go now

No one here can show you where it is but I can point to a sign
Bette Midler - Moonlight Dancing

How 'bout a little bit, a little bit of moonlight dancin'
underneath the starry sky?
How 'bout a little bit, a little bit of moonlight dancin'?
Billy Idol - Dancing With Myself

On the floor of Tokyo
Or down in London town to go, go
With the record selection
Black Sabbath - Electric Funeral

Reflex in the sky warn you you're gonna die
Storm coming, you'd better hide from the atomic tide
Flashes in the sky turns houses into sties
Cranberries - Electric Blues

Electric blue eyes where did you come from?
Electric blue eyes who sent you?
Electric blue eyes, always be near me.
Cyndi Lauper - Dancing With A Stranger

Holding on to the rhythm
I'm standing in my leather and lace
People move to the left, and