Letras de julia low millions Letras

Low Millions - Julia

I never should have left you, while you were sleeping, you never would have heard a word I said, we
were both screaming, so I guess I'll be the coward, who never woke you up, but I prefer you blame me,
then blame it all on your love.
Chantal Kreviazuk - Julia

Well you looked so at peace
Trying to find real love
You hair was like a fire
Dru Hill - I Do (millions)

Does anybody stay together any more
Seems like love nowadays doesn't endure ooooh
We havent always Gotten along
Fefe Dobson - Julia

Tell me this is not the end
You, my love, my oldest friend
Horrorpops - Julia

he's the one that always stands with a smile
She's pure and right and
Bathed in some kind of light
Low Millions - 100 Blouses

So dizzy I can't close my eyes, so love sick I wanna be with you tonight, so desperate I think I'll
hit the bars, so tired of not having you in my arms.
Low Millions - Diary

I used a screwdriver, I couldn't find the key, I had to know your secrets, the thoughts you kept of
I read how you resent me, you even dreamed that I was dead, you said, you thought that I'd look
Low Millions - Here She Comes

I can taste you on my tongue, I can still feel what my hands have done, I got you on my mind, more
than anything or anyone.
And what we have is a connection, we got front row seats to each others affection, you're such a
Low Millions - Hey Jane

It's a beautiful night, except I'm alone, upstairs I can hear the neighbors moan, a car drives by
with loud music on, I raise my glass and sing along.
Low Millions - Low Millions

There's a sign on my door, say's I'm not here anymore, cause I've been missing for so long, I can't
remember where I've gone.
Low Millions - Mockingbird

Here come the nightingales, or could it be the mockingbird, they're at my windowsill, they flew in as
soon as they heard.
Enter the doctor and the nurse, say my condition's getting worse, they take my pulse and shake their
Low Millions - Money Thing

They're shutting off the phone, cutting off the gas, I can't afford to heat, the water in my bath,
I'm barely getting by, I'm hanging by a string, its a money thing.
I could sell my body, I could sell my sperm, I could sell my blood, with the money that I earn, I