Letras de tina toledos street walkin blues ryan adams Letras

Ryan Adams - Tina Toledos Street Walkin Blues

Sweet talkin' Johnny push a john quicker than he spit
Street walkin' tin with a crooked crown waitin' for it
There she goes
Ryan Adams - Meadowlake Street

There's something about you
That reminds me of all those times
When I wasn't sorry, when I wasn't blue
Ryan Adams - Shakedown On 9th Street

Head on down to 9th street gal
Lets go out kicking with the boys and the gals
Wear your dress and bring my ring
Ryan Adams - The Rescue Blues

Everybody wants you to be special
And everybody wants you to be high
They throw you down a rope when you're in trouble, baby
Manic Street Preachers - Wattsville Blues

I got the Wattsville blues
I got nothing to lose now baby
I got the Wattsville blues
Moody Blues - Sooner Or Later (walkin On Air)

Walk on the water
Swim with the life tide
Clear away the storm clouds
Ryan Adams - 1974

The sun is shining hard at my feet
And the city is an animal ready to eat
Ryan Adams - Afraid Not Scared

Look at this ocean with everyone drowning
Idiots screaming and everyone sinking in slowly
We're surrounded
Ryan Adams - Amy

I don't know why I let go
I want to be your friend
Flowers grow through my window and I love you again
Ryan Adams - Answering Bell

Did I slip? I know I stumbled
Did I trip? 'Cause I know I fell
All's I know is I'll wake up here in my clothes tomorrow
Ryan Adams - Anybody Want To Take Me Home

So, I am in the twilight of my youth
Not that I'm going to remember
And have you seen the moon tonight
Ryan Adams - Avalanche

I found your photograph in a cardboard box in a magazine
I can't remember you, remember us or anything
I taught you how to feel, but you just feel numb