Letras de toms diner suzanne vega Letras

Suzanne Vega - Toms Diner

I am sitting
In the morning
At the diner
Suzanne Vega - 99.9f

99.9 Fahrenheit degrees
Stable now, with rising possibilities
It could be normal but it isn't quite
Suzanne Vega - As A Child

As a child
You have a doll
You see this doll
Suzanne Vega - As Girls Go

You make a really good girl
As girls go
Still kind of look like a guy
Suzanne Vega - Bad Wisdom

Mother the doctor knows something is wrong
Cause my body has strange information
He's looked in my eyes and knows I'm not a child
Suzanne Vega - Big Space

He said you stand in your own shoes
I said I'd rather stand in someone else's
He said you look from your direction
Suzanne Vega - Birth-day (love Made Real)

one thing I know
this pain will go
Suzanne Vega - Blood Makes Noise

I'd like to help you doctor
Yes I really really would
But the din in my head
Suzanne Vega - Blood Sings

When blood sees blood
Of its own
It sings to see itself again
Suzanne Vega - Book Of Dreams

In my book of dreams [X3]

I took your urgent whisper
Suzanne Vega - Calypso

My name is Calypso
And I have lived alone
I live on an island
Suzanne Vega - Caramel

It won't do
to dream of caramel,
to think of cinnamon