Letras de trompe le monde pixies Letras

Pixies - Trompe Le Monde

Why do cupids and angels
continually haunt her dreams
like memories of another life
Celine Dion - Dans Un Autre Monde

Loin, loin, c'etait certain
Comme une immense faim, un animal instinct
Oh, partir, partir et filer plus loin
Celine Dion - Le Monde Est Stone

J'ai la tete qui eclate
J'voudrais seulement dormir
M'etendre sur l'asphalte
Pixies - Alec Eiffel

Pioneer of aerodynamics
(little eiffel, little eiffel)
they thought he was real smart alec
Pixies - Allison

from distant star
to this here bar
the me, the you
Pixies - All Over The World

with a pet at my side
God in the sky
snow falling down
Pixies - Ana

she's my fave
undressing in the sun
return to sea - bye
Pixies - Baileys Walk


He takes some steps
Pixies - Bird Dream Of The Olympus Mons

Speed leaving without
i need some place to sleep tonight
Pixies - Bleed

as loud as hell
a ringing bell
behind my smile
Pixies - Blown Away

now the sun is burning
in deepest space
that's the way things are
Pixies - Born In Chicago

I was born in Chicago
I was born in Chicago 1970